

Sunday, June 2, 2019

12 Healthy Nutrition Recommendations for a Longer Life

12 Healthy Nutrition Recommendations for a Longer Life

It is possible to prolong life by consuming healthy foods. 
Not only does it strengthen the immune system, it also provides you with a longer life thanks to a lot of effects such as healthy foods, body fat and cholesterol reduction, fighting diseases. So you should consume healthy foods to live longer. 12 Healthy Nutrition Recommendations for a Longer Life

1 - Fish
The benefits of fish do not stop counting. But some fish varieties, especially heart attack and cholesterol is very effective. You can also avoid depression by eating fish. Trout, salmon and mackerel are among the most useful fish. Because of the fish we counted in the large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
2 - Tomato
Lycopene-containing tomatoes are perfect for fighting free radicals. Lycopene, which has an effect on both the vital organs and free radicals that cause serious damage to the skin, also helps to strengthen the immune system.
3 - Broccoli
Actually, broccoli is a very tasty vegetable. Do not ignore the insistence of your mothers. Take care to consume plenty of healthy broccoli. Experts also insist that the best choice of green vegetables is broccoli. Broccoli with high amounts of vitamin C, calcium and fiber fights diseases, prevents bone resorption, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart attack.
4 - Garlic
Garlic, which is a great addition supplement food, shows a strong anti-virus effect. The risk of getting infections, colds and garlic does not affect you. Natural antioxidant garlic is also available in capsule form. But fresh garlic is more nutritious. With some dried garlic you can taste your favorite food. In this way, you have a healthy meal.
5 - Oats
Oat, rich in insoluble fibers, protects your body against the risk of colon cancer. Higher fiber-containing foods such as oats, you can stay longer. In this way, you can support your diet.
6 - Green tea
Green tea, which stimulates metabolism, is also known to help prevent the oxidation of body cells. Especially for those who want to weaken will be a great choice of greens. It is thought to strengthen the immune system and is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E. In the day instead of coffee, green tea will keep you healthy.
7 - Yogurt
Yogurt containing useful bacteria helps to protect the bowels and regulate their functioning. Yogurt, an important nutrient for both men and women, prevents overgrowth of yeast fungi in men and women. You can also add nature to your diet list, which is an appetite suppressant.
8 - Hazelnut
A lot of people are afraid to eat nuts. The fear of weight lies below this fear. Because nuts contain high fat. But you don't need to be afraid. Fats inside the nuts, healthy fats. You can consume many types of nuts, especially Brazil nuts, to prevent certain types of cancer.
9 - Beans
Beans, which are very rich in folate, are a very important food for women. In order to prevent birth defects in infants, women must take sufficient amounts of folate. The fiber-rich bean is also a protein source that does not contain cholesterol.
10 - Spinach
Vitamins A and C, folic acid and magnesium store spinach, minimizes the risk of heart attack, is protective against cancer.
11 - Mushrooms
Most of the fungus species contain immunosuppressive agents. It is a natural treatment against diseases. It is also claimed that some types of fungi prevent cancer. Mushroom is also a good food for dieters.
12 - Banana
Banana is an excellent source of nutrients for athletes and is rich in potassium and magnesium. Banana, which helps to reduce the risk of muscle cramps, also helps to maintain ideal hydration.

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